divendres, 25 de maig del 2012

Email and essay.

Write an email:
Dear Alicia,

Thanks so much for your last letter. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to reply, but I’ve been so busy studying for my university exams.

Congratulations on your new project. I’m sure that everything will be ok. If you need anything, you only have to ask.

By the way, I’ve got so much to tell you. This year is my third year at collage and it’s been really good because I haven’t been doing so many subjects. It’s for this reason that I’ve had a lot of time to think about what I want to do in the future. And, at the end, I decided that when I finish my degree, next year, I’m going to do another one, called Social Education.

I must stop now or I won’t have enough time to prepare for my English exams.

Keep in touch,

Write an essay:
Nowadays new technologies are used a lot for nearly all jobs and this also happens in education. It's for this reason that we are asking if ICT improves students’ language learning.

On one hand, I think that if teachers use new technologies to introduce a foreign language, children will probably be more involved in their own learning process. These types of tools are more dynamic than the traditional methodologies.

But on the other hand, if children spend too much time in front of computer screens, it cannot be a healthy activity, especially for very young pupils.

To conclude, in my opinion, this balance is more positive than negative, because if the teacher uses new technologies in the correct way, he or she will be able to solve the negative aspects. Therefore, the learning process of the children will be more significant.

dimecres, 2 de maig del 2012

Writing 2.

Education is an important process as I am going to explain here. Or don’t you think the same?

I think education is a process because people learn from all things, with bad and good things. You can learn about an experience in the street, by reading a book or watching a film, ... That is to say, people, specially children, don’t only learn at school, with formal education.

And it is for this reason that the role of adults, who are the guides of the development process of children, is so important. Because their work is to show children the tools to be a critical person, to have arguments to choose the most useful things, in their context, for their progress. Or isn’t it the goal of education?